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O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes

The Secret Tapes of the O.J Case

Coming Soon
The OJ Simpson Criminal Trial Archive
Sealed for twenty years, this 150 box archive yielded a trove of never before seen materials that formed the basis for two Auerfilms/ABS documentaries broadcast by A&E Networks in 125 countries.
The OJ Simpson Criminal Trial Archive
Sealed for twenty years, this 150 box archive yielded a trove of never before seen materials that formed the basis for two Auerfilms/ABS documentaries
broadcast by A&E Networks in 125 countries.

The discovery of archive made news around the world. ABC'S 20/20 devoted a full hour broadcast to the story.
Exclusive materials from this archive were licensed and featured prominently in the Oscar Winning documentary O.J. Made In America and other recent films.
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